How to Make Rosehip Tea


The rose plant is very popular all over the world today! I mean who doesn’t love the rose plant and all that it stands for? The romance and the soft red petals are just priceless! But that’s not the only use of the rose plant….and that’s why we are going to learn How to Make Rosehip Tea!

Yes! While the rose plant is known for its romantic side, it has other interesting benefits. Rosehip tea, of course, is just one of them! The rosehip, a specific part of the rose plant, is really popular today mostly for its delightful taste and its health or general well being benefits!

How to Make Rosehip Tea: Overview

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We’re going to help you learn everything you need to know to ensure that you’ve learned how to make rosehip tea in the quickest manner! So how does it work? First, we’ll tell you some really interesting facts about rosehip tea (trust me, you will be impressed). 

Then, we’ll take you on a simple journey on how to make rosehip tea. Don’t worry, we don’t have any difficult lists of ingredients or difficult to follow instructions! That’s my favorite part!! At the end, you’ll almost be able to taste this sumptuous tea!!!

Then I’ll point out some features that you have to consider when buying a rosehip tea product. You will be transformed into a knowledgeable consumer in not time – able to separate the good from the bad with ease! Finally, I’ll show you some rosehip tea offerings that I think are among the best – this will allow you to skip the “research” part of the rosehip buying process.

Of course, there are so many great rosehip options out there. However, these are my suggestions based on my own experience! I like learning from the experiences of others – perhaps you do as well?

Please, please, please speak with your health care provider or medical care professional prior to consuming rosehips. Everyone is different, and its better to be safe than sorry, after all, some herbal teas have side effects (learn about hibiscus tea side effects)!That being said, let’ start, shall we? 

How to Make Rosehip Tea – Learning the Basics

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Now, here are some interesting facts about rosehip tea. First, it has a sweet floral taste. I’m sure you already know that if you’re a big fan!

The rosehip tea is formed using the fruits of the rose plants. Well, they aren’t exactly fruits. Let’s just call them pseudo fruits. The rosehip “fruits” are usually red or orange and are pretty small.

Here’s another interesting fact. Rosehip also has a lot of claimed health and/or general well being benefits. That gives you a double advantage. Some of the health and/or general well being benefits you may stand to derive from this plant are weight loss and reduced skin aging. Who wouldn’t sign up for that?!

What about rosehip tea? Yep, you guessed right. The rosehip tea is a chip off the old block. It is widely claimed to come with all these benefits too!

Another interesting fact. The rosehip tea can be blended with spearmint tea and hibiscus. Yes, it’s going to be pretty amazing and the mix and match ability makes this one of the most versatile herbal teas on the market!

Well, don’t you just want a taste of this wonderful tea? Well, if you do, this next section will surely prove exciting to you! Enough talking about it, let’s get down to business and learn how to make rosehip tea!!

A Simple Recipe – How to Make Rosehip Tea

Now, to make rosehip tea, you have to learn its recipe. I’ve chosen the easiest recipe. If you don’t get it perfectly the first time, that’s okay. Practice makes perfect!

So I’m going to break it down into two sections. One will discuss the ingredients used to make rosehip tea. The other will talk more about the instructions that have to be followed.

Easy List of Ingredients

  • Organic Rosehip (This can be in leaf or cups)
  • Water
  • Sweeteners (optional) (we like to use honey)
  • Hibiscus or mint leaves

Easy to Follow Instructions

Step One. Put water on a stove. Leave it until it starts to boil. Wear protective items when working with boiling water!

Step Two. Take the water off the heat and let it simmer a bit.

Step Three. Add your leaves to the water. Add both the hibiscus and rosehip leaves. If you are using mint leaves, this should also be added. As a general rule, the more leaves used, the more flavorful the tea! Remember that different herbs will contain differing amounts of flavor. Be sure not to let one flavor overpower the other!

Step Four. Strain the leaves from the tea. This can be done with a sieve or an infuser. The last thing you want is small pieces of tea leaf getting stick in your teeth! No thanks!!

Step Five. Allow the tea to steep. Steeping time can be as short as 3 minutes or as long as 10 minutes. The longer you steep, the more you allow the flavor to become “unlocked”! But don’t worry, after 10 minutes you won’t derive any “extra” flavor, so you don’t have to steep for hours on end!

Step Six. Serve your tea. The rosehip tea can be served with sweeteners. Honey and sugar are some examples. You’ll want to use as organic sweetener, of course, so as to not take away from the “natural” taste that is meant to be associated with rosehip tea!

Here are some things to remember: Cutting the rosehip leaves increases the flavor of the tea. It also brings out the aroma!

Another way the flavor strength is increased is by the steeping time, like we mentioned above. Generally, the longer the steeping time, the stronger the tea will be. Just don’t feel like you need to over-steep!

Aren’t you just craving a hot steaming rosehip tea? Now, to make sure your cravings turn out to be a delight, let’s look at our next section. You’ll know which features you need to find to make sure you are working with a top tier rosehip product!

How to Make Rosehip Tea – Important Features

Learning the recipe of the rosehip tea is not enough. You’ll agree that there’s no point in knowing the recipe if you can’t identify the right product to buy! Let’s find out which features are most important when it comes to identifying the best of the best!

Storage Method

The storage method matters a lot. Everyone wants a refreshing rosehip tea. That won’t be possible if the bag it comes with is all dry and nasty. I wouldn’t want that!

So what do we do? I recommend that you go for rosehip products that come with resealable bags.

How to Make Rosehip Tea

How does this help?

It keeps your product fresh and allows for resealing after you take out some of it. Trust me, the storage pattern can be the difference between the two products. Plus, if you consume your rosehip tea slightly slower than the ordinary consumer, you’ll run the risk of running past your expiration dates and wasting your tea and money! A resealable bag will help prevent that occurrence!


Organic farming for herbal products is very important. Who would want their rosehip tea to be grown with additives that you haven’t even heard about before? Definitely not me. Rosehip Tea should be brewed and consumed just as Mother Nature intended – additive free!!

How to Make Rosehip Tea

So how do you know if a product adheres to organic farming? Through their certification. The most popular one is the USDA organic certification. That allows you to know what you’re actually getting.

How to Make Rosehip Tea

There are also other certifications. The kosher certification and Non-BMO certification are other nice assurances. These type of certifications and credentials aren’t just handed out – there is a screening process!

The Right Quantity

Getting all the features right, yet offering only ten tea bags for expensive rates just won’t cut it. I mean, you have to get more value for your money. You should be able to acquire quality rosehip tea (in a suitable quantity) without breaking the bank!

So what do I recommend? Aim for both quantity and quality!! Find a balance between them. If you do, you’ll be smiling with a warm cup of rosehip tea in your hands, and your pocketbook will be happier too!!

How to Make Rosehip Tea: Buy the Best

How to Make Rosehip Tea

To make the rosehip tea, you have to get the right product. The right product will contain a majority, if not all, of the important features that we’ve outlines above! We can suggest a couple of top tier rosehips teas below if you want to skip the whole “research” part. By no means are they the ONLY top notch offerings, but they are certainly at the peak of their pears!

Ready to see them? Let’s dive in!

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The first thing that stands out is its aroma. It’s simply divine. This product can also be used to make other things such as soaps. We love when an herbal tea offering allows for versatility! Often times, if you are a fan of the rosehip aroma, you want to spread it in all areas! That’s not where it ends either!!

The leaves are cut and sifted from organic farms in Chile. It is also certified by the USDA organic symbol engraved on the bag.

How to Make Rosehip Tea

Speaking about the bag, this product comes in a resealable bag. This bag weighs about 1 pound. These rosehips score very high in terms of meeting the “important factors” – and you can taste the difference!

Side Note: If you like making herbal tea with the “raw” ingredients, you might like brewing dandelion tea (just make sure you use the best dandelion roots)! The Anise Herb can also be fun to experiment with when broadening your herbal tea horizons!

My Experience

This product was a delight to use. It yields a great rosehip tea, no doubt, and I think this is due to its ability to keep the freshness contained (via the resealable bag)!!

The health benefits and/or general well being mentioned earlier is also very much present, at least for me, after I consume rosehip tea. I especially benefited from reduced headaches. For me, the best time to take this tea is late in the evenings, mostly at sunset (also a time when I brew the Best Peppermint Tea – though mainly in the winder). Now, I was also making a concerted effort to increase my fluid intake – so whether it was the rosehips, the fluid, or both that helped my headaches, I guess I don’t truly know!!

How to Make Rosehip Tea

Trying to sort out the pros and cons of this particular rosehip tea? I made a list to make this easier for you. I like pro and con lists – be sure to share your own pro and cons by posting in the Comments section below!


  • USDA organic
  • Resealable bags (preserves longevity – protects your investment).
  • Health benefits
  • Affordable (allows you to spend your “tea budget” money elsewhere).
  • Grown in organic farms
  • Fresh taste (tastes somewhat “earthy” and “clean”)


  • Smaller quantity (mitigate by buying two bags at once)

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This tea makes our recipe come to life! It combines the rosehip tea with hibiscus. The result is very impressive, a very unique blend of flavors! It also leads to a surge in the health or feelings of well being of its consumer, at least in my experience!

How to Make Rosehip Tea

This product comes certified by USDA organic and is non-GMO verified. It comes with 6 packs that contain 16 tea bags each. This means that getting just one of these product gives you the luxury of 96 tea bags. That’s a lot – no need to worry about running out at an inopportune time!

How to Make Rosehip Tea

Now, let me tell you a little about my experience with this particular offering…

My Experience

The combination with Hibiscus just does it for me. It’s a delight! Just like the earlier rosehip offering, the storage was also very good. It came in a Kraft bag with linings. Longevity, longevity, longevity!

I think you’d also like the refund policy. That’s what made me take the leap in the first place. They offer complete refund of your money if you didn’t enjoy it. I find this to be an incredible offer. Don’t worry, I suspect you will not have to put their refund policy to the test!

How to Make Rosehip Tea

It also keeps you calm. Its taste plus its calming effect made me a regular consumer in the evenings – almost like a nice glass of red wine, minus the harmful effects of alcohol! Here are the pros and cons I’ve outlined from my experience when working with and consuming this rosehips offering!


  • Good storage bags (preserve shelf life).
  • Great quantity
  • Refunds (we doubt you’ll be needing them)
  • Great for a relaxing evenings (no more need to drink wine!)
  • USDA organic
  • Kosher certified


  • It’s a bit expensive, but, in our opinion, the well worth the extra pennies! 


So now you have it! I hope you enjoyed every bit of this article. We have learned how to make rosehip tea and how to get the right product. You know what features to look for to ensure that you buy the best of the best with which to work! You have some easy and fun recipes! You’ve seen it all!!


Had you ever heard of Rosehip Tea before reading this article? Perhaps you’ve experiments with rosehips before, but have you ever made herbal tea out of them? Perhaps you tried out our recipe? Maybe youve already discovered you own way of making rosehip tea? Please share your thoughts and experiences with us by posting in the Comments below! We read and reply to every comment and absolutely love interacting with the herbal tea community!

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