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Many people view dandelions as a pesky weed that is terrible for yards. This plant can actually be used to make an extremely health herbal tea with several health benefits. it is becoming increasingly popular to consume dandelion tea to reduce toxins. Learn about this Dandelion Tea Detox Below. I also include a link to purchase dandelion roots so you can start consuming dandelion tea today!
I suggest reading my Dandelion Tea Ultimate Guide if you would like to learn more about this amazing tea!

Dandelion Tea Eliminates Waste
First, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Dandelion Tea and Dandelion Root Tea are teas that are classified as a diuretic. This means that the teas help increase urination and urine output. After drinking dandelion tea, your body’s urination will increase in frequency and the amount of urine expelled. This helps detoxify your body and eliminate toxins. daily consumption of Dandelion Tea can cause your body to regularly eliminate toxins, and it can ultimately result in Dandelion Tea Weight Loss.
Please note: This post contains affiliate links. An affiliate link means that we may earn advertising/referral fees if you make a purchase through our links.
Dandelions also contain extremely high levels of antioxidants. These antioxidants fight free radicals and promote overall health and wellness. Free radicals can damage human cells and cause aging. You can read more about the antioxidant content of dandelion tea on this external scientific study.
Dandelion Tea Side Effects
Dandelion tea is classified as an extremely safe herbal tea. If you are collecting dandelions or dandelion roots from the wild, it is important to make sure that the site hasn’t been treated with chemicals or pesticides. This is why I suggest purchasing loose leaf dandelion roots, and I have included a link below.
Make sure to consult with a healthcare professional prior to consuming dandelion tea. Although this tea is deemed safe for a majority of the population, you should make sure that it doesn’t interact with prescriptions you are currently taking.
Loose Leaf Dandelion Tea
I decided to include a link to one of my favorite brands of Dandelion Roots. You can use these roots to make Dandelion Tea. I have included the link and a detailed description below:
Feel Good Organics: Raw Dandelion Roots – 1 pound
(Commissions Earned)
Dependable Quality; Great Flavor!
This is currently my favorite brand of Dandelion Roots. It is a newer brand of dandelion roots, but it has done an exceptional job supplying high quality roots. This is a one pound (16 oz.) bag of roots that have been cut, sifter, and are ready to go. These are certified organic and are sourced from Croatia. They are raw and not roasted, which I recommend to obtain the most health benefits. Feel Good Organics offers a full refund if you are not satisfied with your order. I highly recommend this brand of Dandelion Roots, and you can use them to start your Dandelion tea Detox today (same day delivery may not be available in all cities)!
If you would like to see other brands, I suggest reading my Best Dandelion Roots post. It includes both loose leaf and herbal tea bags.
I hope that this post has helped you discover how to complete a Dandelion Tea Detox. This can help your body eliminate toxins and fight harmful free radicals. The ultimate result is better overall health and wellness. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Learn more about Dandelion Root Tea
Dandelion Tea Detox: Comments
Have you tried the Dandelion Tea Detox? How did it make you feel? Please share your experiences with the Herbal tea Time community and help it grow!
HerbalTeaHour.com is an herbal tea community that truly values transparency and disclosures. We want to be very clear about one thing. In addition to being herbal tea enthusiasts, we do participate in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
This is one of the few “detoxes” that don’t make you feel terrible. It is also cheap and works!
Agreed, many detoxes are dangerous which is why they have such a bad reputation.