Hibiscus Tea Blood Pressure effects are yet another health benefit that this herbal tea can provide the consumer. Hibiscus tea is made primarily from the flower and occasionally the leaves of Hibiscus sabdariffa plant. This wonderful tea has several known health benefits. One of the most notable perks of this tea is the ability to reducing hypertension or lowering blood pressure. Hibiscus tea has been made by boiling water and steeping leaves or calyces and drinking the hot beverage for centuries. Today it is enjoyed as a tea or cooling it and pouring it over ice, sweetened or with various spices, but still can be enjoyed hot.
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I always recommend speaking with your doctor or healthcare professional prior to consuming any forms of herbal tea. This is also a good idea for those achieving Hibiscus Tea Blood Pressure effects. This tea has been shown to lower blood pressure, which may interact with certain prescription medications, especially if it is consumed in large amounts.
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The link between hibiscus tea and a drop in blood pressure has been researched extensively and in great detail. This guide will detail how hibiscus tea affects blood pressure, and whether it has a positive or negative impact.
If you are unfamiliar with this form of herbal tea, I suggest reading my Hibiscus Tea Ultimate Guide prior to this guide.
American Blood Pressure Stats
The CDC reports that 1 in every 3 (~75 million) American adults have high blood pressure. Another 1 in 3 has pre-hypertension which is blood pressure numbers that are higher than normal but not yet high blood pressure. Hypertension can increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. These are the first and third leading causes of death in America, respectively. The American Heart Association says that 81.5% of Americans are aware they have it, 52.5% have it controlled, meaning that 47.5% have uncontrolled high blood pressure.
A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that daily consumption of a tea made from Hibiscus sabdariffa lowered blood pressure in mildly hypertensive and prehypertensive adults. These are the lowest levels of high blood pressure. They concluded that hibiscus tea could be an effective recommendation for people who have these conditions.
Hibiscus Tea Reduces Hypertension
Johns Hopkins performed a study called the PREMIER clinical trial. Its findings were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. In this study, 800 participants who were hypertensive but not on medication were broken up into three groups. One group was the control group, another group had a specific diet called the DASH diet which recommended high in fruits and vegetables and low in full-fat dairy and meat, and the third group was advice only where they were told to cut down on salt and told to lose weight and exercise. Six months later, the findings were calculated. The DASH group lowered their systolic blood pressure by 4.3 points, where as in a similar study hibiscus tea drinker population lowered their systolic blood pressure as much as the drug Captopril, 7 points.
The 7-point drop in systolic pressure (the top number) may not seem significant, but the former American Medical Association president, Robert H. Eckel, MD says that the degree that blood pressure was lowered with tea drinking in a similar study was as much that is expected of standard blood pressure drugs.
Hibiscus Tea Reduces Cardiovascular Risks
It is among popular belief that hibiscus helps your arteries relax, which can aid in lowering blood pressure. Another study in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research found that not only did the hibiscus extract lower greatly lowered the blood pressure, but it also contained potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. From the studies resulted the medical experts took away that use in the management of metabolic cardiovascular risks could be a viable option.
Hibiscus Tea Blood Pressure: Historical Use
Countries like Iran have drank hibiscus tea for centuries due to its traditional use to treat high blood pressure. It is known most commonly as the Roselle flower, however it has many names. I suggest talking to your medical professional before drinking any form of herbal tea, but many recommend 3 cups a day to be the most effective. Keep in mind the amount of hibiscus tea you should consume varies depending on your particular condition, health, weight, or age.
Hibiscus is know for its ability to promote weight loss and lower blood pressure. You should consult your physician if you have any questions regarding this tea, and also check the page regarding side effects to confirm that drinking hibiscus tea is healthy for you.
Hibiscus tea is a slightly tart tasting delightful refreshing tea with many health benefits. It can be a great alternative to medication if you are looking for a natural way to reduce your blood pressure.
Have you experienced Hibiscus Tea Blood Pressure effects? How often do you consume to lower your blood pressure? Please share your experiences with the HTH Community by posting a comment below. I really do read all of them, and I definitely appreciate it!
HerbalTeaHour.com is an herbal tea community that truly values transparency and disclosures. We want to be very clear about one thing. In addition to being herbal tea enthusiasts, we do participate in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
2 Replies to “Hibiscus Tea Blood Pressure”
I always had blood pressure issues. Between the tea, and some medication, I think I’m on the right path! Wish me luck!
Any time I can control my health with substances other than medicine, I do it! Herbal tea is just one of these control mechanisms, and it can be great for blood pressure just like you’ve experienced! You can also supplement your Vitamin C with Rose Hips. A good, healthy alternative to western medicine, and cheaper too!
I always had blood pressure issues. Between the tea, and some medication, I think I’m on the right path! Wish me luck!
Hi Bing,
Any time I can control my health with substances other than medicine, I do it! Herbal tea is just one of these control mechanisms, and it can be great for blood pressure just like you’ve experienced! You can also supplement your Vitamin C with Rose Hips. A good, healthy alternative to western medicine, and cheaper too!
Stay safe and be healthy!