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There are a number of exciting ways to experiment with Kava – one of the more common ways is by using Kava Root Powder! Before we get into this HTH Kava Root Powder focused article, we would strongly suggest that those of you who may be new to Kava check out our ultimate guide to Kava! After visiting that page and learning about, or freshening up on, Kava, you are ready to learn about Kava Root Powder. Let’s gets started!
Before Buying or Consuming Kava

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This HerbalTeaHour.com article has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Please remember that Kava is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We deeply care about the safety of our readers. We insist that each reader consults a health professional prior to consuming any type of Kava, especially if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, nursing a baby or taking any prescription medication. You need to remember that Kava may even interfere with certain medications. Never take Kava with alcoholic beverages. Consumption of Kava may impair your ability to drive or operate heavy equipment. Lastly, Kava is not recommended for persons under the age of 18. Make sure to evaluate the outcome of a recent study about Kava Kava, here!

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Fellow Kava enthusiasts have probably heard of the term, but it may be new to some of you who are less experienced – Kava Root Powder. This HTH article is devoted to explaining the ins and outs of this particular Powder. We have organized this article into a number of different sections. We start with a short write up to answer a simple question – what is Kava Root Powder? After that, we list a couple of ways that you can use Kava Root Powder as part of your Kava Kava routine. Next, we have included a link to one of our favorite kinds of this particular Powder where you can learn more to see if this particular type of Kava is a good fit for you! Lastly, we share a short story about our own experience with Kava Root Powder. Let’s get started!
What is Kava Root Powder?

Most HTH readers know that Kava is a small plant typically grown in the Pacific islands. Like most plants, Kava is comprised of three main parts: Its roots, its stem and its leaves. While each of these different parts of Kava have been consumed by Kava enthusiasts, we want to focus on the Kava Root.
Consumers separate the Kava plant from its root (or buy Kava from a supplier who has already done so), and use a variety of techniques to pound down or pulverize the Kava root into a fine powder. Some accomplish this by using a pestle and a bowl, which is more in line with Pacific traditions. Others do so with tools known as “mill grinders”.
Each method is designed to have the same effect – to reduce the Kava root in size into a powder that is capable of being made into any number of Kava related products, including powdered root to make traditional “milky” drinks, used as a base for decoction tea (our favorite method), or even mixed into capsules (like the ones you can find at your local drug store) to create Kava root supplements. The smaller pieces of root (as opposed to the parts closer to its stem) are reported to contain a higher amount of the active compound in Kava (known as kavalactones).
Where to Buy Kava Root Powder

We’ve had good experiences with buying Kava at specialty food stores. We attribute this to the wide variety of selection and the knowledgeable employees that tend to work at these type of stores. Our favorite part about going to the local specialty food store, however, is that we frequently encounter fellow Kava enthusiasts. More often that not, we begin talking to one another over our shared love of Kava and many times we’ll even learn exciting Kava idea or recipes (try the Best Kava Tea Recipe, for example).
We like to patronize socially conscience stores, even if they have higher prices to those found in “big box stores”. We’ve also found that these type of stores offer a more “hands on” experience when compared to retail or the online marketplace. We want to encourage you to contact HTH if you need help finding a specialty food store where you can find this particular Powder! There is sure to be one in your area!
Kava Root Powder Online

Buying Kava Root Powder online is another one of our favorite ways to access this product. Buying online removes many of the downsides of buying in retail or specialty food shops. It is our experience that online distributors have wide variety of product. Another benefit is that they often have product reviews which can help you decide among a number of offerings. Another bonus? Many of these online stores allow for next day or even same day delivery.
Our Favorite Kava Root Powder
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The Kava Root Powder that we’ve linked to below is a good example of high quality and potent product. We have used it many times when making decoction tea. Remember, decoction is just one of the many ways that you can use this particular Powder. We’ve found that more and more of our readers are placing it in empty pill capsules and creating forms of Kava Root Powder supplement.
We’ll be the first to admit that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of different sources of this particular Powder. While we certainly haven’t tried them all, we have tested tens upon tens of them. It is our experience that the above brand produces a better tasting, higher quality, and more effective Kava product. Be sure to write to HTH if you agree or disagree with our opinion. We’d also love to hear from you if you have a different personal favorite of Kava Root Powder!
My Experience

There are many other ways to buy this kind of Powder that we haven’t had time to address above. That being said, we have had a lot of fun and great results when buying from our local health and specialty food store. Buying online (especially the brand above) has also been an enjoyable experience and saves us from having to get into the car and drive across town! While we haven’t had great luck with retail, we aren’t ruling it out – we are merely suggesting that attempting to buy retail (especially if at a Big Box Store) may lead to a less satisfying result.

We hope that this HTH article has helped you learn more about Kava Root Powder and some of the ways that you might buy some for yourself. Remember, be sure to write to HTH and share your experience with us! We love to share our reader’s stories and we can all benefit from being exposed to each other’s tips and suggestions!
Have you ever purchased Kava Root Powder? Did you buy online? Speciality food store? Have you had luck with any of the Big Box Stores? Have you found any other ways to buy this Powder that you would like to share with this herbal tea community? Please tell us about your experience in the Comments section below!
HerbalTeaHour.com is an herbal tea community that truly values transparency and disclosures. We want to be very clear about one thing. In addition to being herbal tea enthusiasts, we do participate in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.