From candles to toothpaste to organic peppermint tea, peppermint is an extremely popular ingredient in countless products around the world today. Think of all the things you see on a daily basis that are peppermint scented or flavored! Peppermint has its roots in parts of Asia and Europe and, as you might have guessed, is frequently linked to a number of important health benefits. One of our favorite peppermint derived products is organic peppermint tea! If you’re interesting in learning more about, and then indulging in, organic peppermint tea, we’ve got you completely covered!
Organic Peppermint Tea: An Overview
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In this post, we do our best to cover the most important things you should know to become an informed consumer of organic peppermint tea! We’ll mention some interesting aspects concerning the history and roots of organic peppermint tea., before moving to a listing of the ingredients needed to make a tasty cup of organic peppermint tea to satisfy your next craving!
After you’ve been informed of the ingredients, we suspect your palate will be tingling. So we’ve included a very simple recipe on how to make the organic peppermint tea – trust us, this one is easy to follow and yields a nice treat! We list the steps needed to make it the perfect cup. Next up, we’ll evaluate some of the important features to look for when you are evaluating among the various types of organic peppermint tea product that are available on the market. If you know what features to look for, you’ll buy a tastier product!
After that, we move right ahead to consider some of our favorite kinds of organic peppermint tea while highlighting some of their benefits and drawbacks. This will help you learn about some of the products on the market as based upon someone else’s experience! No financial obligation – as they say! We always like to learn from the first hand experience of others, hopefully you feel the same way! Ok, let’s dive right in!
Organic Peppermint Tea – Learning the Basics
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Organic peppermint tea is made from several ingredients. The main ingredient, and I am sure that you guessed, remains peppermint!!
Did you know peppermint tea is widely claimed to help alleviate pain and other issues that come with headaches, digestion, menstrual cramps, and nasal congestion? As you know, there are a ton of medications aimed at treating these very ailments – perhaps just try something as natural (and inexpensive) as an organic peppermint tea next time around?
Just like peppermint gum, many users also prefer this particular beverage for its mitigation of “bad breath”. Of course, you’ll want to be careful that your “bad breath” isn’t a symptom of gum (periodontal) disease, because that will require more than a delicious cup of herbal tea! Another great benefit? Organic peppermint tea has no significant negative side effects so, unlike some other herbal teas that do have some side effects (learn about Hibiscus Tea Side Effects), you are in the clear!
As you’ll learn in this post, peppermint tea can be made at home quite easily and the tea is commonly stored in standard tea bags. Our research reveals that the drink is especially popular in the United States and North America, but that its popularity and use actually extends to almost every part of the world! Traveling afar? Don’t worry – we suspect you’ll still be able to get your fix! Plus, you can just take a few tea bags with you – just in case!!
Side Note: Some kinds of herbal teas, like dandelion tea, can actually be quite difficult to find depending on what area of the world you are located in. If you are ever in a bind, please reach out to his! Oh, and helpful hint for you dandelion tea seekers, check out our post on Where to Buy Dandelion Tea for some easy tips (we’ve also included a free Dandelion Leaf Tea Recipe)!
A Simple Recipe for Organic Peppermint Tea

Did you know that the “cool” refreshing taste that you detect in peppermint tea actually comes from menthol which is derived from peppermint? Peppermint is commonly mixed with several other flavors to create a unique taste. The versatility of peppermint has made it one of the more popular additives to any number of different “bases”. Of course, sometimes just plain old peppermint is what you are after – and you don’t have to mix it or dilute it if you don’t want to. We are going to show you how!
Most people like to indulge in peppermint by consuming peppermint from tea bags. Well, you won’t do much with peppermint tea bags if you have no idea how to make peppermint tea! Making a cup of organic peppermint tea is actually really simple, and is easy to learn. By the end of this article, you will have no problems at all!
To help us grasp the recipe better, let’s look at some of the ingredients that are used in making organic peppermint tea. After all, we find that we gain a greater appreciation for the different “tastes” behind each sip when we know what to “taste for”. Its almost like knowing a particular instrument is played in a song, and then specifically listening for that instrument while the song is played!!
Ingredients to be used

- Fresh Peppermint Leaves (must be fresh).
- Dried Mint Leaves or Peppermint Tea Bags.
- Sweetener
- Hot Water
Easy to Follow Steps:
Step One
The first step will depend upon the form the peppermint comes in.
Using peppermint tea bags? That’s ok! Just follow the instructions that come with the particular product. If you are dealing with peppermint leaves, however, like we prefer to do, then it might require some more effort (but don’t let that deter you)!
With fresh peppermint leaves, the initial step will be to grind the leaves. Why? This step brings out the oil contained within the leaves! A mortar or a big spoon can get the job done. Just make sure to grind hard and for a sufficient period of time. We usually grind for at least 1-2 minutes to derive every last drop!
Side Note: If you are a “do it yourself-er” when it comes to herbal tea, you might enjoy making dandelion tea using fresh dandelion roots (check out our post on how to find and use the Best Dandelion Roots)!
Step Two
Now that you’ve ground the fresh tea leaves, it’s time to get hot water! It is critical to bring the water to a boil before you brew your tea. Many people make the mistake of getting the water “really hot” but not quite boiling. Bad idea!
You can then pour the ground leaves into the bowling cup or bowl. If you are using a teabag, just put it inside the bowl. You need to be careful during this entire process. It is easy to burn yourself with the water or steam!!
Step Three
Now is the waiting game. You need to allow the tea to “steep” for some time (we usually steep for 5 minutes). Keep in mind that the steeping time for fresh leaves might take a little while longer than dried leaves. We always place a lid over the peppermint tea during the steeping process. Doing so helps to keep both the moisture and flavor intact – a critical step to ensure that the flavor isn’t evaporated away!
Thats it! Once the organic peppermint tea steeps for an appropriate period of time and then is allowed to cool to your desired temperature, just transfer the fluid to your cup and enjoy!
Side Note: Did you enjoy following along with our organic peppermint tea recipe? We have posted a similar guide for anise seed tea on another HTH post, along with an easy to follow Anise Seed Tea Recipe!
Other Creative Ways to Consume Organic Peppermint Tea?

As you might have guessed, there are other ways of preparing organic peppermint tea aside from the easy-to-follow recipe from above. These include an iced tea version, or a ginger, honey, chocolate, vanilla, or fruit-infused version of this tea. Remember, like we said above, organic peppermint tea is extremely versatile, and there isn’t a “wrong” way to experiment with it! Other recipes are not necessarily “harder” than the standard recipe that we’ve included above. However, you might need to make a few tweaks here and there (if you do, please make sure to share your creations and recipes with us by posting in the Comments below)!
We mention the varieties above, but the most popular version is iced peppermint tea. This is particularly tasty and popular in the summer months – trust us! To make this particular kind of the organic peppermint tea, we suggest that you add at least two teaspoons of honey (or other sweetener of your choice), lime or lemon juice (freshly squeezed, of course) as well as a combination of dry and fresh peppermint leaves (we tend to include a ratio of 30/70 in terms of dry to fresh – but feel free to experiment)!
One last tip on the iced organic peppermint tea style which is often questioned by HTH readers. The steeping time will remain the same, as well as the need to use boiling water! Just because the tea will eventually be served over ice (or at least cold), doesn’t mean that the heat necessary during the steeping process has gone away!
Organic Peppermint Tea: Important Features

When searching for the right organic peppermint tea, there are some things worth keeping an eye on. The presence (or absence) of these things might signify that you are on the right (or wrong) track. Follow the guidelines below and you know that you’ll be satisfied with your product!
Ok, so where does this stuff come from in the first place? Where do they have the most experience with it? You might have guessed that the location and weather patterns in which peppermint leaves are grown and nurtured matters a lot – especially in terms of end taste! The location affects everything! While peppermint leaves can grow pretty much everywhere, there are some places that routinely produce a higher quality plant. Some of the very best, surprisingly, come from the high deserts (but not deserts in the traditional sense (e.g.: the sahara). Places that fit this description in the United States included Oregon, Washington, and Alaska!!
Raw and Fresh
As peppermint has become more popular, we’ve seen that an urge to increase sales by adding additives has increased. We do NOT like this trend – it takes away the raw and nutritious value of the peppermint leaves! When it comes to creating the perfect cup of organic herbal tea – leave Mother Nature alone! Making sure you go for products made without any additives or artificial additions will be your best bet!
Meeting the Standards
Just like most herbal teas or food that is truly “organic”, the organic peppermint tea must meet certain standards to earn this designation. These standards are set by regulatory bodies. You’ll want to confirm that the particular brand of peppermint tea you are evaluating has actually met these standards before making a purchase. You don’t want to buy a peppermint tea that appears to be organic, but doesn’t actually have the credentials to be certified as truly organic!
Manufacturer Reputation
Another thing to think about – you might want to look at the reputation of the manufacturer when deciding among one product and another. Have the been in business for a long time? Do they specialize in this type of tea? Or is it just another of hundred of different offerings? Are the ingredients sustainably sourced?
Other more obvious decision points might include things such as the quantity of the teabags – do you want 96 of them or only 12? Your rate of consumption will be an important factor in how much you want to buy at any one time. You want the product to stay fresh and not sit on your shelf for too long!
Organic Peppermint Tea: Buy the Best
Even when armed with what to look out for, it can still be hard to make a decision. I understand how that feels like. For this reason, I have personally picked two products that are truly top notch. I go into detail on each of them below. Of course, if you want to skip the detail and just rely on my recommendation, I’d be flattered, but for any of your skeptics out there, take a look!
Pure peppermint with no additives. That’s right!! The absence of additives is the highlight of their product! This one also comes with an incredibly rich and strong aroma. Perhaps that is why the manufacturer is so keen on the no-additive formula – it doesn’t need any!
This tea also comes as caffeine-free (important for those of you who don’t want to be up all night just because you’ve consumed your favorite drink).

It comes with 50 bags, which is excellent. This will take a while before it’s depleted. Again, the quantity you’re going to want to find is a function of how quickly you’ll consume the tea – don’t buy too many and then allow them to age for too long because you are too slow to drink it!
The producers of this particular brand are very popular too. They cannot be categorized as a “pop up” tea company. They have a proven track record. Preparing this tea is fairly straightforward. It’s recommended that you use a teabag. No milk or sugar should be served along with this tea.
My Experience

The taste is quite refreshing and savory, but its the aroma that is the most intense! It doesn’t just stop there. I found this particular brand of organic peppermint tea to be quite helpful with solving bloating issues (hey, its the truth!) as well as relieving intense headaches that sometimes pop up after a long day at work!

Of course, being an opinionated herbal tea enthusiast, I’d like to share with you my opinions on some of the biggest pros and cons of this particular brand:
- Caffeine-free
- Great aroma
- No additives
- Renowned producers
- Good with bloating and digestion issues
- Sold mostly in the United States (can be hard to acquire elsewhere).
This is another one of our favorite brands. I like this product because of its eco-friendliness and its sense of duty in sticking with solely peppermint leaves. Remember, we like specialization when it comes to organic peppermint tea – and no additives!
The contents of this product can fill up at least 30 cups. That surely will last for a while, unless you are one of those who consume an extreme amount of peppermint tea (like I have been known to do from time to time).

This organic peppermint tea is sourced from organic farms located in the Pacific Northwest (the Washington and Oregon area) and is without additives. Since they are produced in the United States, they meet all the health requirements mandated for “organic” herbal products. It’s also one of the best antioxidant tea around – a feature of tremendous importance when it comes to the prevention of some cancers!
My Experience

This particular brand has this amazing peppermint flavor. The brewing time is only 3 minutes, which is perfect for me, because I can get pretty impatient. I found it to be “refreshing” and “natural”, two qualities that you can kind of sense when drinking the tea. A friend of mine has IBS and he said that the tea was helpful in allowing him to cope with some of the symptoms. Like the above, I found this to be helpful in terms of mitigating migraines.

Of note, after eating a heavy meal, this particular brands seemed to actually assist in my digestion. I don’t know if there is a medical reason behind this, but I have experienced this sensation on a couple of occasions now and it is a welcomed side effect! Also, interestingly, my sleeping time also improved after drinking this tea and I felt energetic in the morning. Medical reasoning? Not sure. Has it happened on numerous occasions? Yes!
Here are some pros and cons to help you make a decision based upon my own experience here:
- A large quantity of tea bags
- Can be consumed in the popular “iced” style
- Great taste
- Improves sleep
- Purely organic (without additives)
- It’s a bit expensive
Organic peppermint tea offers a lot of benefits – and they extend far beyond just the great taste! We have extensively discussed their benefits, some simple recipes, and some tips for things you need to look for when searching for a top quality organic peppermint tea!
Making the right choice is crucial as it saves time and resources. After all, there are a ton of peppermint teas on the market and, sadly, some are simply not worth the money (or even drinking). We are confident that this article will be a helpful guide in terms of helping you achieve your goals with respect to finding the perfect cup for you!
Have you ever tried organic peppermint tea? Do you consume it “hot” or “iced”? What has been your experience with it? Did you have any luck trying out one of our easy to follow recipes from above? What about other recipes or creations that you’d like to share with this herbal tea community? We’d certainly love to hear from you! Please comment below and share your experience with us! We read and reply to every comment!